Central Hiring
The Central Hiring portion handles all special events in the City of Stamford where security is a concern. We plan the security / traffic areas and then hire the officers for the event. The Central Hiring office also handles the day to day extra duty jobs for work on our streets and requests by residents for a police presence. The office oversees an outside contractor who handles all the billing for this work, which usually amounts to about 15,000 jobs and about 100,000 hours of extra duty police coverage.
This office provides a very valuable asset to the City of Stamford. The extra duty officers have been instrumental in making arrests ranging from armed sexual assaults, armed robberies and fatal hit & run MVA'a. The extra duty officers have also assisted with saving lives while being "off duty."
School Crossing Guard
The School Crossing Guard program is run out of this office and we have about 110 guards on the payroll and we cover about 95 posts everyday school is in session. We interview / hire and train all the guards as well as give them their proper equipment. The Patrol Division handles the day to day supervision of the guards.
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