1. Application forms are available in person at Stamford Police Headquarters, 805 Bedford Street, Stamford, CT
2. Complete all information on the green application form (DPS-799-C 10/01) and NOTARIZE.
Complete the front side of both the State (green) and the FBI (blue) fingerprint cards.
Do Not Sign the cards until instructed to do so. Do Not Fold or bend the fingerprint cards.
3. The Firearms Instructor Information sheet must be completed by the firearms instructor attesting to the applicant’s competence with a handgun. The appropriate course certificate is also required.
4. Out of state applicant must apply for a Connecticut State Pistol Permit at the Department of Public Safety, Special Licensing & Firearms Unit located at 1111 Country Club Road, Meriden, Ct.
5. The total fee for the Stamford Pistol Permit is $59.00 Two (2) separate checks are required:
1. Certified check or Money order for $24.00 made out to the " Commissioner of Public Safety”.
2. Certified check or Money order for $35.00 made out to the “City of Stamford”
6. At the time of application, the Identification Officer will take a Polaroid photograph.
7. The applicant shall submit the following documents at the time of processing:
a. Completed and notarized application form.
b. A original or certified copy of applicants’ birth certificate.
c. Naturalization Papers. (if the applicant is a naturalized U.S. citizen)
d. Valid (green card) INS Alien Registration Card (if not a U.S. citizen)
e. Two fingerprint cards completed. (do not sign until instructed to do so).
f. Firearms Instructor Information sheet and Course Certificate.
g. Valid driver’s license or State Identification Card. (a photo ID)
h. Certified check or money order for $24.00 made out to the “Commissioner of Public Safety”.
i. Certified check or money order for $35.00 made out to the “City of Stamford”.
NO application will be accepted until ALL the above requirements have been met.
The Identification Bureau cannot notarize any application forms.
7. The Stamford Police Department has no control over the length of time it takes the Connecticut State Police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation to process the fingerprint cards.
8. Applicants who are denied a pistol permit shall be notified by certified mail.
Applicants who are granted a pistol permit shall receive them by mail.
9. Applicants who are granted a pistol permit by the City of Stamford shall be issued a 60 day Temporary State Permit To Carry Pistols And Revolvers. Applicants must apply within 60 days for a state permit at the Department of Public Safety.
State pistol permit fee is an additional $35.00 Certified checks or Money orders made out to “DPS” will be required at the time of application.
The Identification Bureau is regularly open to the public on Tuesday & Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We do not make appointments, it is advisable to call the Identification Bureau JUST PRIOR TO COMING IN to assure the availability of an ID Officer..
The Identification Bureau is a criminal investigative unit and may not always be available to the public at the scheduled times and days.
For further information you can also visit the State of Connecticut Board of Firearms Permit examiners.